
Registration form

Sulfuric Acid Safety and Tech Seminar

Atlanta, Georgia at the Westin Buckhead Atlanta on Wednesday October 23, 2024


Please note that there are limited seats at this seminar. Please fill out the form below to request a seat. Please do not make any travel arrangements until after you have received a confirmation from NorFalco that you have secured a seat.


Seminar Location

The Westin Buckhead Atlanta
3391 Peachtree Road, NE
Atlanta , GA 30326

Seminar agenda

7:30 Registration & Breakfast *
8:30 Official Welcome
8:35 More Than H2SO4
8:45 Manufacturing
9:00 Logistics & Supply Chain
9:15 Quality
9:30 Break *
10:00 Properties, Hazards, PPE & First-Aid
10:30 Rail Cars and Unloading
11:00 Truck Load/Unload, Racks & Filters
11:30 Human Rights
12:00 Lunch *
1:00 Security
1:20 Storage Tank Design, Cleaning & Inspection, Materials of Construction
2:00 Incidents, Reporting & Emergency Response
2:30 Break *
3:00 Wrap-up & Door Prizes
3:30 Adjourn for the day


* All Meals and Refreshments provided by NorFalco

NorFalco is hosting a Cocktail Reception the evening before the seminar in the Buckhead Ballroom
Date & Time: October 22nd - 5:00 to 7:00pm

Registration request